The Otter Sisters Writing Systems, begins with the parietal art of the Upper Palaeolithic.
All the images were selected from caves containing pictograms, from the Iberian Mediterranean Basin and France sites: cave of Valltorta-Gasulla, cave of Altamira; Cave of the Castle; Cave of La Pasiega; Lascaux cave & Chauvet Cave.
The Otter Sisters Writing Systems, continues with the cuneiform script. The script was used from the 31st century BCE, to the 1st century CE throughout the Ancient Near East. The logogorams were selected form the Hammurabi Code Stele, inscribed in Akkadian language.
The Otter Sisters Writing Systems, continues with the Egyptian Hieroglyphics, the logographic and alphabetic characters are reproductions of stelae inscriptions of the 1st Intermediate Period and the Middle Kingdom.
From the early forms of printed expression, the pictograms, to the more complex ideograms and logograms, the Otter Sisters Writing Systems, concludes with some of the writing systems in use nowadays; alphabets, abjads, abuguidas, some logograms and a syllabary.

The Otter Sisters Writing Systems, begins with the parietal art of the Upper Palaeolithic.
All the images were selected from caves containing pictograms, from the Iberian Mediterranean Basin and France sites: cave of Valltorta-Gasulla, cave of Altamira; Cave of the Castle; Cave of La Pasiega; Lascaux cave & Chauvet Cave.

The cuneiform system of writing was developed by the ancient Sumerians, around the 35th century BCE. Sumerians, Akkadians, Babylonians, Elamites, Hittites, Assyrians, Hurrians and to some extent Persians, all used it.